Yupp CTs are over. yeah~ Budden still got tests and more tests next term. So jiayou and dont fall sick! Ahha. So this post is absolutely extra and its up to you if you wanna read it. Its mostly a few reminders and if you come here regularly you should know what Im talking about.
Right first things first. The cleanness of the class still sucks. Seriously. Like no one is doing the duties and when litter is around you( not you if you know its not you), you don't pick it up and chuck it in the bin. Seriously, having a mini box/bin like arnold is fine, if you are lazy to walk all the way. So do the your duties well and we might not have punishment at all. We ( I'm not saying who is included in the we) are thinking of staying back after school everyday to clean the classroom up before everyone leaves if the class is still dirty. All we need is Mrs Chua's consent and it will be under way. So, throw the rubbish. Don't throw them from your seat too, i realised that teachers are getting ( less stronger word than pissed off) when we do that, especially when we miss. So try not to do that kay?
So secondly... actually i got nothing to say. Main point up there. So im gonna sprout out irrelevant stuff now. Read on if you enjoy so. I know everyone is angry/ displeased about the CTs thing but there is like no need to scold until liddat. No need to elaborate. You all know. And... Don't ask Miss Ho stupid questions liao, she starting to be angry... And... listen to Mrs Chua's lessons... orals coming... Don't do anything stupid and get detentions for something you shouldn't have done... ( reminded by the FB photo. When I looked at it i was like OMG b4 laughing). And... don't be sick. Gonna studying hard for the subjects you want. Anyway, I might make a poll and see who is taking what subject combination, so we have a rough idea whether most of us would be together anot. If you feel uncomfortable sharing it, there's not need. Its optional. I dont even think I know how to make a poll. Need ask eric -.-
So thats that. Its just all reminders that have been said b4 in class summarized. I duno if theres more. feel free to add on. Have a happy time, enjoy what you have now. Especially your chair. ( dang it i forgot to take a pic of it)