Ok, first thing first, I dun wan to scold you all, but it has became a serious problem. Some idiots keep doing stupid stuff which annoyed other people. You know who you are.
Crushing someone's orange den anyhow throw until in the end it burst and some juice land on the floor, litter everywhere. ESPECIALLY LITTER. I TELL YOU, the classroom damn filthy. Duno like wad rubbish bin. Idiot people start crushing paper and throw around den never pick up. Some more bring sweets up, den throw warper on the floor. Dun take the old auntie and uncle for granted. Dun tok cock like we "giving them work to do". Clean the classroom b4 u go. AT LEAST B4 U GO. Somemore ppl also not doing duty. Duno wads going on with the duty roster.
1 more thing. Stop making teachers angry. You can see that more and more teachers are starting to scold us more and more often since last year. CLEARLY. I dun want anything like last time again. You know what happened during Maths class last term.
Just... try to do something right for once... It cant be that hard. Just let me tell you, if this continue, prepare for the consequences. I duno wads gonna happen next, but Im sure some of you wun like it. Just stop toying around with each other like little kids who 吃饱没事做。
Dun say that I type this becus I pms-ing. Dun tok rubbish.