Saturday, January 30, 2010 /

11:20 am
Okayy, everybody. 丁老师 wants us to have good 作文s In a Blog. So..would you all like to have it in [u]this[/u] blog or in a new, seperate blog? xD Post your suggestions in the TagBoard.

Thursday, January 14, 2010 /

2:20 pm
Howdy, all!
Agrh, so irritating! Timetable changed about 3-4 times already~
I've uploaded the current timetable on my Windows Live SkyDrive.
If you want the digital copy, do help yourselves to the link below.
Term 1 Timetable Newest:
*NOTE: The file is in Adobe PDF format.
You can print/view but not edit the document.
Eric :)

Friday, January 01, 2010 /

2:18 pm
Happy New Year!Forget 2009, welcome 2010! :D
Hehe, have fun kay, go celebrate! (:
Uhoh, which means, we're officially 210! (:
Love you guys forever,