Lol. Min han is so~ dead on monday. lol.
Now, I shall do something similar, except its about quotes made by our class:D
1st:" Hou Joo is ours!" minhan, at enrichment
2nd:" what I do?" jianhui, acting innocent
3rd:" what? ur ****?" szujin, who apparently mistook madeline's words
and so on:
"No." weizhi's immediate response when i asked" if no means yes and yes means no, do you like ( a girl in class)?"
"*screams and shouts*" gals
"in terms of ****" mrs nornie, who was mistooken for saying the *f* word.
"oi oi oi" hou joo, wolfteam
"chiong arr!" zen, wolfteam
"ahh!" minhan when mulan pushed her into the boys toilet
these are just recent one, i got short term memory. feel free to add
Trex :D