Sunday, May 31, 2009 / 
11:18 pm
lols kk yays class outing 11/06/09 I'm sure u noe how to read that rite...?? oks see those of u hu can make it then.... jia yyous fr HW dun procrastinate...this is mostly for myself.... kks...cheers peeps for the june holidays!!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009 / 
5:27 pm
HELLO WALLOW (: i realized class blog has been pretty active yeahs. Thank you to whoever who kept posting. And congrats to oneten {: for winning the cheering comp. YAYNESS (: and, happy hols. :D Someone post about class outing can? PS. reminder to ppl posting :D Please put your names yeah. Cheers. Minhan :D

Friday, May 29, 2009 / 
10:51 pm
Peepoh! Peepoh!
Guess what?! Our class got the BEST for the CHEERING competition! And now we are going to cheer for our school during the Singapore Youth Olympic Games! Miss Nornieyuniza bte Mohamad Yusuff asked us to think up of a cheer for our SCHOOL(not class) and we have to come back on the last day of the holidays to practise it. And we cannot let our school down so we have to be the BEST! So anybody who has a good cheer, PLS KINDLY INFORM MISS NORNIE , ANG MIN HAN , or ROCK BRAIN Quek. AND WE WILL MAKE IT THE BEST CHEER EVER WAS! NAN HUA HIGH SCHOOL will be SO PROUD of YOU to bring GLORY to OUR SCHOOL! SUCH A FANTASTIC CLASS LIKE US WILL SURELY COME UP WITH A CHEER WHICH WILL MAKE ONIONS CRY AND MAKE ZEN YOUNG SAY HE IS SUPER UGLY(which he is but doesn't want to admit...). SO PLEASE COME UP WITH A CHEER LIKE THAT BEFORE SINGAPORE YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMES! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1:57 pm
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!first time posting here, but anyway enjoy the holidays!{but so much hw lol}{chinlee}

Thursday, May 28, 2009 / 
9:24 pm
Geog fans listen up! Those who are not in the list Ms Nornie compiled but want to go for Geography Remedial, pls report to school at 1 pm sharp at 110 classroom. Geog remedial will be held from 1pm to 3pm on the 1st of June!!! So if you want to come, come. I strongly suggest ppl come ar cause quite little ppl go there. Enrolled Students: Andrea, Arnold, Lawrence, Shuang Yu, Jasmine Ang, Hou Joo Pls come to school on 1st June if you want the remedial. Send sms to Ms Nornie to notify her u are going. Srry for posting late at night but u get the idea. So SMS ms nornie if you want to go!!! GO LAR GO LAR... Your faithful and hardworking(not!) classmate, LAWRENCE

8:03 pm
These are the hw: GEOGRAPHY=>Worksheet =>Wbk pg 76-81, 105-110, 142-147 HCL=>Do the scrpbook thingy[book review?]{目录:前言,书的作者介绍,本人介绍,内容简介,人物简介,挂句摘介, 个人读后感,后记} =>演讲比赛,pick a topic from: 《友情》,《梦想》,《自信》. talk about it for 2-3 mins. =>Watch the news everyday, at least half an hr if not go to this website: http://www.zbcomma.sg/zbcomma/pages/nie.html ENGLISH=>Project =>Reader's Digest wks HISTORY =>Project =>Learning Log ART =>Do anythin that u dun hav in ur sketchbk H ECON =>Project BIOLOGY
=>Workbk pg 95-104 MATHS =>Ace-learning, the 8 wks[muz print out] LITERATURE=>The little Ironies wks
TESTS =>Geography: 2nd week of term 3[unit 8-10] =>Maths: test 4, chapt 8, first lesson on term 3 =>Physics: chap 2-measurements[MSG, VC, converstion] chap 10-force and pressure[calculation, relationship between P,F &A] chap 11-work done REMEDIALSGeography-Monday, 8 June, 10.30 - 12.30. Bring along ur tbk, atlas, worbk[complete 76-81] Maths-Friday,5 June, 10-12. concentratin on algebra. bring along ur green assessment bk. [for ppl wif lvl test mark lower then 30] History-I DUN KNOW!! im nt goin so i dun noe=P i tink thats all. anythin wrong help me change. TKS=P HAV A HAPPY HOLIDAY!!! {although i doubt u can wif so much hw=P}-Eileen

6:01 pm
hi ppl. happy holidays. siann s0 much hmwk ESPECIALLY CHINESE. =.= erm... i think nth else to say lerhhs ;D Eileen say she will be posting up e hmwks so..ya. BDAES FER JUNE HOLIDAYS::Ryan 7th Hou Joo 7th Elainn 25th yeeeps! so wish em happy bdae kays?? szujin:D

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 / 
1:48 pm
 wadever. youur go elaborate yourself. someone log in and help me post something in this post. :D
Is it shelly being locked up in the class???(hopefully) trex

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 / 
12:52 pm
Hiz, trex here. srry 4 the deleted cbox stuff. Ethan spamed that i love mavis then... the sch ip address got banned then all cannot tagg. ask him lor, beat him if u wan. haha. i think this is the 53rd post le... jy!!! mus reach 100!!! bye!!!

12:17 pm
Lawr3nce here... U guys r lucky i have saved the cbox lol. The school's ip was BANNED for spam... So nw i changed the cbox pass... Come to me in MSN for the password... Ps..You can visit my blog during the school holidays, im sure i will update(at least T-W-I-C-E a week XD)

Monday, May 25, 2009 / 
10:21 pm
Hello everyone~Just did a new header for Class Blog... Like it everyone??Eh, please do give comments about this at the tagboard and i will try to improve on it.If most of you still prefer the old one, don't worry, i'll revert it back.Thanks!! =))))))ERiC LOH

Sunday, May 17, 2009 / 
7:30 pm
PLEASE RMB TO STUDY MATHS. LEVEL TEST ON WEDNESDAY. EVERYBODY HAVE TO GET A1 OKAY! CAUSE WE'RE THE BEST CLASS, i mean duh. ALRIGHTY;; JIAYOUS PEOPLE! {HAHA. told you i'm niceeee :D i'm kidding (:} `MINHAN ( i'm super nice i tell you.)

Friday, May 15, 2009 / 
10:25 pm
Dear Mr Eric, your art so~ooooooooooooo~ good... HELP US DESIGN A BLOGSKIN HAHA! your kindness, effort, hard work and whatever, will be greatly appreciated by all of 110! you will be awarded for the time and effort you put in so pleeeeaaasseee help us... ^^ hahahahaha Mr Rock

10:12 pm
Helloo~ 110! 1st time posting here... Ev'rytime log-in do nth, haha. If nvr post den the "chemeh" say nvr update the blog, LOL. But I find it very amazing when the following happens: AT LEAST/ABOUT 80% of the other Sec 1 classes are putting names as the header image of the blog! Eh, ev'rybody copy here copy there is it?? Pls lah, I know 110 full of ideas and creativity hor... Must be outstanding and better from the rest mah... So understand gotcha do wad? xD Btw, so class outing going where? Everywhere?!!? Decide properly leh, and oso must save $$!! Haha... Above are just some suggestions from..................... ERiC

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 / 
8:43 pm
im posting for posting sake. HOu Joo gave mi the password cus i couldnt go in. LOL JUS DELETE this post, but Mr Liu SINGS DAMN NICE!!! ^.^ TREX

Tuesday, May 12, 2009 / 
9:04 pm
Omg, i have saved the blog. Hahahx. Dont blame me for th picture, if it is mega big. I saved th blog okay! Originality. Picture courtesy of MINHAN. Nice leh! :X *Ps if the navigations became smaller. PEISHAN , ♥

7:17 pm
LAZY BUMS ARE 110 D:D: YOU ALL DAMN LAZY RIGHT! WTH. nvr post -.- ahhaxz. i'm the SUPERNICE person here posting. I SHALL SAY AGAIN- SUPER :D HAHA. SUPER,get it in your tiny weeny brain :X HAHA. alrights. Class outing thingie. Vote at class tagboard. HAHA. errr. Alot of ppl want er. first is ESCAPE. Then is WILD WILD WET, Then is Others. Then is sitting on the fence. So i'm like thinking, if you guys want both escape and wild wild wet. Cause we have to spend the whole freaking day :D HAHA. i'm siao :D AND; wild wild wet DUN NEED TO WEAR SWIM SUIT ONE LUH! HAHA. Yes. thats it. THANKS TO HOUJOO WHO TRIED TO SCREW EVERYTHING UPPPPPP {!} HAHAXZ. i'm kidding :D HAHA. JIAYOUS PPL; i hate th homework :o `MINHAN { ROCKS.} ahhxz. kidding. BYEBYE PEOPLE.

Monday, May 11, 2009 / 
5:36 pm
People. RMB TO BRING THERMOMETER TMR.ESP; HANDSOME OKAY! and whoever who forgets :D i'm the kind soul that reminded you all {!} MINHAN

Saturday, May 09, 2009 / 
11:47 am
OKAY PEEPS. About the thingie arnold post;; You guys go read okay {!} Okay; Escape Theme Park. Adults (13 yrs liao ones) you guys have to pay; $17.70 {omg :D} And those who are twelve. $8.90. Or most probably we fake age :x Ohmy. i cannot believe me saying this x.x And as for Wild wild wet; twelve year old people; $10.50 thirteen year old peeps. $15.50. Like i said you guys can fake age :x:x:x:x {:x on continously :D} And; Those who are NTUC members can pay less. And i have no idea what it is talking about.. But give you th link you guys go see. http://www.wildwildwet.com/guest/ticketing.aspx And; erm. Sakura at the downtown east one. ERRR. i've thought of another idea. Which is not to eat @ sakura. And some cheap place. IS that fine? And regarding the date. I'll like pass down a piece of paper. And we'll take the date that most people can one. So i guess thats all; I'll be posting if i have anything else :D -MINHAN :D

Thursday, May 07, 2009 / 
9:09 pm
ok... since my suggestions on the tagboard was obviously ignored, i'll post it here... firstly, for info on whr sakura restaurants are and price and stuff liddat, go: http://www.etour-singapore.com/sakura-international-buffet-restaurant.html secondly, i srsly dont think the sakura at www and etp thr is good... cos most ppl stay central sg or west sg... so maybe the one at clementi is better for all... last but not least, this is ArNoLd posting... -aRnOlD

Wednesday, May 06, 2009 / 
8:56 pm
OKAY PEEPS. We've decided to change the date. Erm. You guys want like, early june? Will it be okay? LOL. And, sakura is SO NOT EXPENSIVE. And. You guys decided luh {!} -Minhan

Saturday, May 02, 2009 / 
8:22 pm
peepoh. 18 june {thurday} can for class outing? Go wild wild wet and escape theme park canxz. ALRIGHT. not need wear swimming coutume de luh. Just wear a shirt, inside wearing something {forgirls} can already. Then billabong pants/whatever. :D then we can go makan at sakura. errrr. yes. thats it. Then about class tie thingie, should be want luhs right. So class outing on 18 June? You guys decide okay. :D -Minhan{ rules} HAHAS. kidding :D

Friday, May 01, 2009 / 
4:04 pm
Harlows people. Michelle here:D erm... my Infocomm teacher says. Tell all your NHHS friends this, so I tell 110(: Okayys. Please loq into your AsknLearn. Click here. Find PERSONAL and click MY PROFILE. Then change the Email address to your own one. If you dunhaf den nvm lorhs. Have change it. This is to allow teachers to send homework to ur emails. So that your no need so troublesome go to AsknLearn. Thanks((: by MICHELLE