Sunday, March 22, 2009 /

3:10 pm
people, polls are up at the "crap" there alrights,
please vote, dont try to play stupid ;D
PS, i'm not going to do english and art yet :X muhahs.
minhan ;D

Saturday, March 21, 2009 /

12:04 pm
If you all still dunno how to login the NHHS asknlearn, go
Log In: e.g S96xxxxxD ( your i.c la )
Password: NHHSxxxxD ( don't know if the letters nid block letters or not. forgotten...)(if u changed liao then use that pw la)
password is nhhs+last 4 numbers of ur i.c no. then add the letter at the back. try both capital and small letters for the alphabets.
shud be liddat la
(ohya... if you all managed to log in then go workbin. got 1 file to upload. from mr cheng k.h 1)

Friday, March 20, 2009 /

10:46 pm
alamak. holidays gonna end le....
Cherish the last few days people! school awaits...
Jianchi o oneten! jy fer hmwk rushers! x)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 /

3:33 pm
oneten hi.
u all can access the wizlearn art pict?
i couldnt find the assignment so im guessing u guys too...
i thik tis is the pict, extracted from onetwo blog...
yes ppl. its damn tough. jiayous!


4:25 pm
erm.. quys. I dunnoes which pictures is which.
so if I post wrong. Pardon me. >.<

ii am sure of this.
final match. the death match. (Jump Ball)

Yes. We score when we VS 104.


Nisha. very pro blocker.

Leon and Zen Young. when VS 104

Leon passing the ball to Zen Young.
The ball is not in the picture >.<

Leon get the ball!~~

We score. Hou Joo catch the ball(:

Our captain --- Hou Joo

Elainn with the ball.

We score so clap clap :D

Our first game. VS 104.
And we WIN~!
Post by:


3:55 pm

Arranging FoodMiss Yeo(not the fat one) judging-------------------------------------------------------
SushiBrought by Lim Jing--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CookiesBrought by Jia Tyan-------------------------------------------------------
Bee Hoon
Brought by Miss Nornie

Friday, March 13, 2009 /

10:13 pm
I lost my fone... sob dun call or msg my numb thx :DI juz wanna wish all of ya happy holidays!
Dun fall down and dun die

Saturday, March 07, 2009 /

5:03 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO 7th MARCH BABIES :D:Dand PAISEH, i cannot rmb who they are, but WHATEVER :D
see i'm SO good, lols, i'm kidding :X

Wednesday, March 04, 2009 /

8:30 pm
YEsterdae i go houjoo hse then when we goin home tat time we got interviewed by a reporter about the ww2 bomb
And our names are there! NEwpaper today noon edition 4 mar... GO read!!


4:32 pm
OMGOMG. we won 101 and they're the champs?!
totally NO WAY :D
cause we're the best anyway :D
JIAYOUS PEOPLE. tomoro get tablet pc liao, so STAY HAPPY.
i dont care, we won :D:D
minhan :P

Sunday, March 01, 2009 /

10:16 pm
PEOPLE, please dont post these kind of things on the blog. PLEASE. you guys are overboard.
hahas XD and i agree with you, but we shouldn't do this.
PS, whoever who wrote that i'm a failure, you have serious spelling mistakes. and GO TO HELL :D